Emergency Medical Service Program Agency:

Lake Plains Community Care Network is one of the 19 Program Agencies in New York State. We are the Program Agency serving the Big Lakes Regional Council and their catchment area. We cover Niagara, Orleans and Genesee Counties.

The New York State Department of Health Bureau of Emergency Medical Services (NYSDOH) funds us to assist Regional EMS Councils and the NYSDOH in activities to support and facilitate development of regional emergency medical service systems. We were created to provide day-to-day professional and clerical staff time needed to implement and support the activities of the Regional EMS Councils and Western Regional Emergency Medical Advisory Committee (WREMAC).

For a more comprehensive listing of services offered as the Program Agency please go to: www.lpccnems.org for more information. For questions call 585-345-6110.

For WREMAC Policies and Protocols go to: http://www.wremac.com/

For more information on the Big Lakes Regional Council go to: www.biglakesremsco.org